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Research Interest

We focus on medical devices and biosensors that promote the advances of personalized healthcare. As a multi-principle field, the enabling technologies include: photonics, microfluidics, nanotechnology and biotechology.

Detection of low abundance biomolecules is challenging for biosensors that rely on surface chemical reactions. For surface reaction based biosensors, it require to take hours or even days for biomolecules of diffusivities in the order of 10-10-11 m2/sec to reach the surface of the sensors by Brownian motion. In addition, often times the repelling Coulomb interactions between the molecules and the probes further defer the binding process, leading to undesirably long detection time for applications such as point-of-care in-vitro diagnosis. In this work, we designed an oil encapsulated nanodroplet array microchip utilizing evaporation for pre-concentration of the targets to greatly shorten the reaction time and enhance the detection sensitivity. The evaporation process of the droplets is facilitated by the superhydrophilic surface and resulting nanodroplets are encapsulated by oil drops to form stable reaction chamber. Using method, desirable droplet volumes, concentrations of target molecules, and reaction conditions (salt concentrations, reaction temperature, etc.) in favour of fast and sensitive detection are obtained. A linear response over 2 orders of magnitude in target concentration was achieved at 10 fM for protein targets and 100 fM for miRNA mimic oligonucleotides.

​Evaporating droplet array for bio-molecular detection
​Wireless powered microfluidic devices

We report the first microfluidic device integrated with a printed RF circuit so the device can bewirelessly powered by a commercially available RFID reader.

For conventional dielectrophoresisdevices, electrical wires are needed to connect the electric components on the microchip to externalequipment such as power supplies, amplifiers, function generators,etc. Such a procedure is unfamiliar to most clinicians and pathologists who are used to working with a microscope for examination ofsamples on microscope slides. The wirelessly powered device reported here eliminates the entire needfor wire attachments and external instruments so the operators can use the device in essentially the samemanner as they do with microscope slides. The integrated circuit can be fabricated on a flexible plasticsubstrate at very low cost using a roll-to-roll printing method. Electrical power at 13.56 MHztransmitted by a radio-frequency identification (RFID) reader is inductively coupled to the printedRFIC and converted into 10 V DC (direct current) output, which provides sufficient power to drivea microfluidic device to manipulate biological particles such as beads and proteinsviathe DCdielectrophoresis (DC–DEP) effect. To our best knowledge, this is the first wirelessly poweredmicrofluidic dielectrophoresis device.

​Finished project

Accommodating fluidic intraocular lens



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